Wednesday 12 October 2016

Beware of Telephone scams

Beware of Telephone scams

A couple scammers rang me this week and I would share it so others no to be be on guard..

1) Tech support scam

Someone claiming to be from your telephone/Internet provider or from Microsoft/Windows rings (usually from an overseas call center) saying there's a problem with your Modem/Router or Computer and they need to look at it. The whole scam is that there's nothing wrong with your computer they are just going to give fake details to scare you into paying. (See details of one that rang me below)

2) Tax Office overdue payment scam

Someone/recorded voice calls your telephone saying that you have outstanding payment with the tax office and there maybe further action taken by them, a phone number is given but it's fake!

Tech Support scam from "Telstra" My Telephone/Internet Provider
Summary of one that rang me (Watch the youtube video here)
I had a setup with a Windows Utility/recovery cd called Falcon Four / Hiren boot disk that is basically Windows XP OS on a CD, So I let them "look at that!"
So I pretended not to know anything about it and played along.

Firstly I already had a hiren/Falcon Four CD in my computer ready to load so I booted it (it only take a minute to load)

The loading screens...

Once loaded to the desktop I chose to remove the desktop background so they didn't know straight off what they were looking at.

  Then the Desktop                     Cleared Icons/desktop ready for the scammer

(More details soon)






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